Whatever YOUR goals and dreams are, wether you are a beginner or professional,
Nichola will work with you to help you achieve them. You will learn to sing the songs you love with ease.
Each lesson is recorded so that you can go home and practise the specific exercises given for your vocal advancement. This way, you can practise with Nichola at home.
Private lessons
Exercises are your tools to getting through the difficult areas of your voice called 'bridges'. They allow you to extend your range, keep your voice balanced from the lower register to the upper registers of your voice and keep your voice healthy. Nichola will give you exercises to practise every lesson that are tailored to your specific voice type and goals. It's like going to the gym for your vocal chords and the more you exercise them, the better they will sound!
At your first lesson, Nichola will ask you about your singing background, discover your goals and assess your voice. You will need to sing all or some of a song you have prepared. It is best to choose something you know well and are comfortable singing.
Nichola is a vocal coach based in Witham, Essex where she offers one to one singing lessons at her home studio and online. Learn how to keep your voice in top condition for a heavy gigging schedule or a one off audition. Or open up parts of your voice you never knew you had. Nichola is dedicated to her students and helps you achieve your goals. Book now and you’ll be amazed what a difference one lesson can make!
What to expect

Recording your


The Goal

School Lessons
Nichola offers group and one to one peripatetic singing lessons in schools. The school benefits from a FREE assembly and FREE one hour vocal workshop for any year group or class of their choice.
Nichola offers singing lessons for children in groups of no more than 6. This group size is perfect for children who show an interest in singing to learn and progress. Each student's voice is assessed in a positive way, and they are given tailored exercises for them according to their voice type and their own personal goals.
The aim is to build confidence, good vocal and performance technique and a love of singing. These goals are achieved by making singing fun. Technique is taught with ‘silly’ exercises and scales, which through muscle memory help to increase vocal range, stability, strength and tone. A range of different songs are taught with movement to work on their performance and expression when singing. Song choices from the children are taken one board so that they learn the songs they want to sing. Nichola promotes peer respect, encouragement and praise in the lessons, so that students soon feel comfortable singing out and volunteering for a solo or harmony. They will work on basic harmony and music theory so that students can learn how to follow written music and have an understanding of how music is read.
Nichola offers one to one singing lessons for students who wish to progress their vocal skills further and develop in all areas of singing. Whether for a solo in the school play, preparing for an audition, or just developing as a gifted singer, the focus is on confidence, performance and vocal technique, as well as a love of singing.
Group Lessons

One to one lessons
An after school performance evening is on offer for the children to showcase their songs to the parents at the end of the school year. If this is not possible then any opportunity for the children to perform throughout the year is welcomed - be it in assembly or a special occasion of the school’s choice to give the children more performance experience and to build confidence.

performing companies
Small vocal groups
Workshops are tailored for your specific event or group. The session can cover a variety of topics, such as vocal technique using live volunteers, how to protect your voice, harmony, blending as a group, performance, character, story telling, confidence, ad-libbing or just Q&A. If your group needs some help or wants to learn something specific together, Nichola is approachable and encouraging and can help your singers progress to the next level together.